
Showing posts from August, 2024

When you are Anne Clark and the Rest doesn't Matter

  Audio Version   Please note, the audio version might get out of date if I have to edit the text for mistakes or update something. This is for people with visual impairment or people on the go.   (And side-note, a policeman already coming by, this time in uniform as a neighbour informed me, I don’t care what Anne & Co. do. Ready for a police visit and/or lawyer letter. I don't give a toss) DEUTSCHER Text: Wenn du Anne Clark bist, spielt der Rest keine Rolle . When I was around 16/17 years old in Germany, I was introduced to Anne Clark's music by someone in hospital. I wasn't too keen on the harsh sounds and cold voice at first, and I'm ashamed to say I started loving Clark's music after I smoked a joint with the same friend who introduced me to her music. Maybe I wasn't ready for new sounds, and had to “get it” while under some kind of influence. It wasn't that her music was bad or boring or low-quality, it was that I loved soft sounds and singing